Do CBD Gummies Really Work for Anxiety?

Do CBD Gummies Really Work for Anxiety?

A bit of online research on the benefits of CBD gives you a long list of effects. From pain relief to easing anxiety, the use of CBD for certain conditions is becoming more and more common. However, one can easily get lost and confused very quickly as validity of the benefits are a big topic for debate. Here, we are going to discuss about one of the most popular CBD product, the CBD gummies and find out if it is any good for reducing anxiety or not and What research says about these CBD gummies and anxiety. So you can make an informed decision. We will give you tips on CBD dosage and common side effects. Also, on what you should know about taking CBD and drug tests.

What are CBD Gummies?

Cannabidiol (CBD), is one of the various compounds found in cannabis sativa plants. Another well-known compound in this plant is THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol.

However, unlike THC, CBD does not produce the high feeling people associate with cannabis. Instead, it may have a relaxing effect, amongst other benefits.

CBD gummies are one of the ever-increasing ways of taking in CBD. They come in delicious flavor options and always provide a fun experience. People who cannot stand the nutty taste of CBD oil opt for gummies. Also, they are available pre-dosed. You don’t have to measure out the CBD before you take it.

Will Taking CBD Gummies Treat Anxiety & Stress?

There’s some evidence to suggest taking CBD can help with stress and anxiety. However, there is a need for more in-depth clinical studies.

That said, research suggests that CBD works by affecting serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a known neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood, sleep, and behavior. An increase in serotonin levels can relieve anxiety. And studies show CBD may work by regulating serotonin levels.

What Does Research Say About CBD Gummies & Anxiety?

Some of the evidence on the use of CBD for anxiety comes from animal studies and laboratory experiments. However, these studies are promising.

We also have preliminary studies and surveys which suggest the use of CBD can ease anxiety. Per this 2015 review, CBD interacts with certain receptors to regulate anxiety-induced behaviors. These receptors include the cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1R), the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor, and other receptors in the brain.

Also, in the same review, the authors pointed out different anxiety disorders where CBD is helpful based on clinical evidence. They include:

  • Social anxiety disorder (SAD)
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Studies suggest that CBD may reduce anxiety in participants during public speaking. CBD may also reduce anxiety symptoms in people with social anxiety disorders.

What’s the Best Dosage of CBD Gummies for Relieving Anxiety? 

There is no established CBD dosage for treating anxiety yet. However, many users report that, between 300mg to 600mg of CBD is found to be very effective. This range significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety. if you are taking CBD gummies for the first time, you must pick beginner friendly CBD gummies that provide the best relief from anxiety. The gummies container might even have the dosage guide labelled on the package.

The Ideal dosage is starting with 5mg. If the 5mg gummy is too potent for you, cut it in half. It can take a moment to feel the effects of CBD. Wait for a few hours before deciding if you need another gummy. Also, remember that most gummies are designed to be taken once or twice per day. Always read the product label to see what the instruction says.

The method of administration and the product in use can affect the onset of effects. Aside from CBD gummies, other methods include:

  • Sublingual spray
  • Oil tinctures
  • Vape pens
  • Capsules or pills

When you take CBD orally, the effects may take about 30 minutes to an hour to kick in. But, other ways such as inhaling CBD via vape pens provides a more instantaneous effect.

Do CBD Gummies Have Any Side Effects?

CBD is well-tolerated in many people. But because people react differently to it, some persons may experience side effects. The common side effects include:

  • Changes in mood
  • Changes in appetite
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness

Researchers have not ascertained the safety of CBD in pregnant and lactating women. Also, you want to be careful about taking CBD alongside a high-fat meal. A 2020 study suggests food high in fat can increase your chances of experiencing side effects.

CBD can also interact with several medications. These include antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, and anti-histamines. Also, anti-seizure drugs may interact with CBD. If you are on any medications, it’s best to talk with your doctor before using CBD.

Will the Gummies Cause You a Failed Drug Test?

The answer to this question depends on how much THC is in the product you take. The average drug tests usually check for THC. And there are thresholds to mark positive results.

If the amount of THC in your system exceeds the threshold, your result will come out positive. Also, if the test you take doesn’t screen for CBD and you use only pure CBD products, you shouldn’t have a cause for alarm.

Where Can You Get These CBD Gummies?

If you know the right way to purchase CBD products then, they are pretty easy to get. You can purchase CBD gummies from almost anywhere. From your local stores to online stores.

The best place to get CBD gummies would be online – directly from a CBD brand’s website. Specially from those that are known for providing the best quality CBD gummies in US. The advantage of choosing online stores is you can read reviews before making a purchase. Also, you have access to a wide variety of CBD edibles than with a physical store.


An interesting number of studies suggest CBD may help ease anxiety. And gummies are a great way to use CBD if you’re experimenting for the first time. They are pre-dosed and have mouth-watering flavors.

The FDA does not regulate CBD products the same way as most supplements. So, you have to do the bulk of the work in finding a high-quality product. Although research shows that CBD may help relieve anxiety, not all CBD products are the same.

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